What a great mention in the December/January edition of Social & Personal!
Our Ballet + Pilates class (now coined Ballet-lates™) is attracting attention from some of the city’s savvy journalists. This writer was drawn to the stretching and toning movements that we already know and love!
Join us, if you are curious. You will get a fast-paced Pilates warm up, followed by standing work to benefit posture, ending with actual ballet steps. No, we do not make up our own ballet steps – they are the same ones being done in New York City studios – but they are presented in a fun, lighthearted way that may hearken back to your earliest memories standing at the barre .
Come on, come all to the Pilates+Ballet class on Tuesdays at 9.45am and Saturdays at 1oam. They take place at Exhale in Sanydymount. 125 for an 8-week term.